Welcome to Studio Lovelies!

Who are we?

Well, we’re a team of talented and passionate creatives making games together.

Since 2019, we’ve been hard at work on Game Grumps: Joint Justice, an Ace Attorney-based fangame that featured the Game Grumps as characters. The first chapter released in Summer 2021, and the others are on the way!

Past that…? Well, we’re only getting started. Keep an eye on Studio Lovelies, because soon our brand name is gonna be on everything. Your fridge. Your TV. Your prosthetic heart.

Well… maybe not. But we have some awesome ideas for games, so follow us on Twitter or something.

Oh! If you wanna get in contact with us, you’ve got a few options - there’s a ‘contact’ tab here, a majority of our members are active on the Studio Lovelies community Discord server, and our Twitter is always watching. In a non-creepy way!

Thanks for checking us out!

- Savior of the Eggs, Studio Lovelies Representative and Cool Guy

What we're up to

Game Grumps: Joint Justice

The game

Production for the tutorial case is completed and we're extremely fortunate that the Game Grumps themselves have played the game! You can check out the first episode here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skop4WFElhE. This is extremely exciting for everyone in Studio Lovelies, so thank you to the whole team, to the lovely Allie for helping us get on the show and - of course - the Game Grumps themselves for checking out our game!

Our first case and development of future potential cases is now underway, you can join the Discord server to watch development or even join the team!

Platform change

We used the LÖVE (love2d) engine to make this game, and unfortunately, this engine runs Lua, which is not the most powerful language.
On a better note, big chad Jape Falcon started converting the game into the Unity engine, so get ready for some better graphics, run-time, load times and new game mechanics!

Want more updates and to stay in touch with us? Join our Discord community server here or visit our "Contact" tab!